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Product Series
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About Us

Our Certification

In aspect of automobile rear side window glass wrapping die & moulds,
Rijin has been capable to offer moulds with hot runners, automatic position for glass and PLC device.
In aspect of automobile roof window glass wrapping die & moulds,
other than universal technology, Rijin has been capable to offer full-circle under-cut precision ensurance tech and moulds with hot runners, automatic position for glass and PLC device.

Founded the company by plastic injection die & moulds business,
Rijin perseveres on the R&D and manufacture of moulds with complex structure and high mirror surface requirements.
regarding to industries of Automobile, medical devices, electronics, office and make-up.

Wrapping Die & Mould
for Automobile Corner Window Glass

Wrapping Die & Mould
for Automobile Roof Glass

Plastic Injection Mould
Products Series

Quality Control

There is no such thing as "Approximately" in here.


We manufacture the future we prefer.

Research & Design

Programming is like writting old friends a letter.


I bet we can eventually collaborate, always.


Founded by 4th Jun 1999.

Began making precise mould and mould parts.


Participating Osaka Mould Expo.

Starting 10-year-Japan-exhibition experience.

Moving in completed Self-owned new factory.


Reached corporation with AGC.

Completed design and manufacture for the first automobile glass wrapping mould.

R&D department started forcusing upon glass wrapping mould techs.


Accumulated more than 30 patents.

Reached corporation with even more clients, including WKW, Pilkington, NSG, Tiemao, Xinyi.


  TEL:0086-15524894921          Address:辽宁省大连市金州区天润路7号        Postcode:116600
  Fax:0086-411-87570958    E-mail:tony.sun@rijin-precise.com

  手机:0086-13840875878          地址:辽宁省大连市开发区天润路7号        邮编:116600
  传真:0086-411-87570958    邮箱:yi.sun@rijin-precise.com

  TEL:0086-13704267211          Address:辽宁省大连市金州区天润路7号        Postcode:116600
  Fax:0086-411-87570958    E-mail:ping.wang@rijin-precise.com